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Painted, spoken

Painted, spoken is a magazine for contemporary poetry. In digital form it is here: www.paintedspoken.com. A limited edition printed version appears in parallel, with a print run of 100 copies or less. This is distributed in exchange for only a stamped addressed A5 envelope (two first class stamps cover the postage). This should be sent to: Painted, spoken, 23 Magnus Heights, Hampden Road, Hornsey, London, N8 0EL.

It is not normally available outside the UK in physical form, but a selection of digitised back copies of the printed version are available from this site, issues and links listed below.

Sorry, because each issue is actively curated the magazine is not usually open to submissions.

Back Issues

Selected Ps's will be reproduced here, in A4 pdf documents. To view an image as if it were the A5 original use the zoom function and reduce to 75%.

Ps38 (2024) [PDF version]
Char translated by David Bunn, new poems by Yessica Klein, James McGonigal and Robin Fulton Macpherson.James McGonigal reviews new books by Tessa Berring and Kathrine Sowerby

Ps37 (2023) [PDF version]
Char translated by David Bunn, new poems by Susan Mackervoy and Peter McCarey. World out of Kilter: James McGonigal reviews new books by Lindsay Macgregor and Suzannah Evans. K: from the Balcony: Richard Marx on John Keats. Cocoons and Emergences: Jacqueline Schaalje on Novels-In-Verse for Younger (and Older) Adults

Ps36 (2022) [PDF version]
Dante Returns: James McGonigal reviews new translations. Iain Bamforth reflects on Andrew Lees and a life in neurology. New poems from James Aitchison, Gerrie Fellows, Robin Fulton Macpherson, David Kinloch, Peter McCarey, Jacqueline Schallje, and Greg Thomas.

Ps35 (2022) [PDF version]
Drowned Worlds: James McGonigal reviews the floodscape poetry of Penelope Shuttle and Richard Skelton. Richard Price outlines the witty poetry of Lila Matsumoto. New poems by Nancy Campbell, Caroline Clark, Ralph Hawkins, Peter McCarey, and James McGonigal

Ps34 (2021) [PDF version]
Violette Szabo: mother, widow, secret agent. Robert Crawford discusses his new long poem; Dorothy Lehane: Hebephilia; New poems from Kris Hicks, Peter McCarey, James McGonigal, and Caroline Maldonado. Natalie d'Arbeloff: My Life Will Eventually Be In Your Hands.Beverley Kemp commemorates gunner Joyce in time of Covid. Translated Lives: James McGonigal reviews new work from Robin Fulton Macpherson and Bhanu Kapil.

Ps33 (2021) [PDF version]
Pete Astor, Kirsten Irving, Fiona Larkin, Chris McCabe, Peter McCarey, Robin Fulton Macpherson, Miguel Martins, April Yee on Lee Hyemi and Ito Hiromi, Richard Price on Fiona Templeton, Miriam Nash and Jacqueline Saphra.

Ps32 (2020) [PDF version]
Simon Barraclough, Larry Butler, Aisha Farr, Patrizia Longhitano, Peter McCarey, Robin Fulton Macpherson, April Yee, and Richard Price on What s in the Boot? Black Lives Matter, Cultural Property, and State Power, plus a brief introduction to the work of Nisha Ramayya.

Ps31 (2019) [PDF version]
Hazel Frew, Ralph Hawkins, Peter McCarey, Robin Fulton Macpherson, Sappho trans. Richard Price, Sergej Timofejev trans. Anne Gutt, Fiona Wilson. Plus Richard Price on Hazel Frew and Margaret Tait.

Ps30 (2018) [PDF version]
Khlebnikov, Anne Gutt, Peter McCarey, Robin Fulton Macpherson, Dorothy Lehane, Tatyana Moseeva, Ralph Hawkins.

Ps29 (2017) [PDF version]
Bill Broady, Anne Gutt, Peter McCarey, Ricardo Marques, Richard Price, Ganna Shevchenko, Peter Todd.

Ps28 (2016) [PDF version]
Dorothy Lehane, Amy Anderson, James Aitchison, Peter McCarey, Drew Milne, Hazel Frew, and Robin Fulton Macpherson.

Ps27 (2015) [PDF version]
Gerrie Fellows, Haley Jenkins, Peter McCarey, Robin Fulton Macpherson, Beverley Nadin, and seekers of lice.

Ps26 (2014) [PDF version]
Caroline Clark, Kelvin Corcoran, Bonny Kempster, Peter McCarey, Maureen McLane, matt martin, and Fiona Wilson, with a feature on the art of Francisca Prieto.

Ps25 (2013) [PDF version]
Caroline Clark, Kelvin Corcoran, Hannah Lowe, Robin Fulton Macpherson, Dorothy Lehane, Peter McCarey, Simon Smith. Plus Statements on Lyric by each of the contributors.

Ps24 (2012) [PDF version]
Jeff Hilson, Alexander Hutchison, James McGonigal, Peter McCarey, Frances Presley, Gavin Selerie, Linus Slug. Plus Richard Price on Compos / improviser: po sies en mouvement, at Le Contretemps, Geneva.

Ps23 (2012) [PDF version]
James Aitchison, Simon Barraclough, Chris Beckett, Katy Evans-Bush, Antony John, Hannah Lowe on Bob Marley, Peter McCarey, Drew Milne, Stewart Smith on the Glasgow independent music scene, and Richard Price on Giles Goodland, Jessica Pujol, the Better than Language poets, and collective poetic ambition.

Ps22 (2011) [PDF version]
Chris McCabe, Dorothy Lawrenson, Gerry Loose, Peter McCarey, and James Mc Laughlin, Richard Price on Neo-Benshi at PolyPly, R J Ford on the first hours of Occupy London Stock Exchange, two group works by Vahni Capildeo, Giles Goodland, Jeff Hilson, Francesca Lisette, Richard Price, and Simon Smith. Plus reviews.

Ps21 (2011) [PDF version]
Amy Anderson, Tim Atkins, Isobel Dixon, Valerie Josephs, Francesca Lisette, Peter McCarey, James McGonigal, Peter Manson, Catherine Wagner

Ps20 (2009) [PDF version]
Carrie Etter, Graham Fulton, Eddie Gibbons, Peter McCarey, Ant nio Moura translated by Stefan Tobler, Donny O'Rourke, and seekers of lice

Ps19, "Tasted, drunken", by Alec Finlay, only appeared in hardcopy

Ps18: Children's Playground Songs Today [PDF version]
Playground songs collected by Ken Cockburn, Janet McInnes, Ellen Price, Maisie Price and Richard Price

Ps17 (2008) [Poetry Library edition]
Contributors include Robin Fulton, Peter McCarey, Jeremy Noel-Tod, and Virna Teixeira

Ps16 (2008): South Bank MP3 Audio [Poetry Library edition]
Contributors include Nancy Campbell, Guido Cavalcanti (improvised by Richard Price), Jane Draycott, Ulli Freer, Ulli Freer, Raymond Friel, Elizabeth James, Kim Morrissey and Simon Smith

Ps15 (2007) [Poetry Library edition]
Contributors include Peter McCarey, Penelope Shuttle, Stephen Watts and Matthew Welton

A selection of texts from issues 1-17 have been digitised by The National Poetry Library.

Prose supplement

The prose supplement to the magazine, PS, edited by Price and Raymond Friel, publishes literary criticism and literary history, attempting to both widen and deepen the discussion of contemporary poetry by contextualising poetry across vying traditions -- and beyond them.

Prose Supplement 1 (2006) [click for pdf]
Contents: Richard Price, "Migrant"; Jonnie Turnbull, "The Migrant Years"; Richard Price interviews Michael Shayer; Virna Teixeira, "Letter from S o Paulo"; Giles Harvey, "Letter from New York"; "The Sickness of Modern Man...", "The Decline of the West", "A Life Without Principle"; Raymond Friel, "Not Near Enough: Be Near Me by Andrew O'Hagan; Richard Price, "An Information", "It's A Record".

Prose Supplement 2 (2007) [click for pdf]
Contents: Andrew Duncan on Joseph Mcleod; Fred Hunter or Intersound and Stream Records; Hazel Frew on Belle & Sebastian; Richard Price interviews Stuart Murdoch; and more

Prose Supplement 3 (2007) [click for pdf]
Contents: Raymond Friel and Robyn Marsack on the memorialisation of W.S. Graham; Will Montgomery on the Elephant and Castle; Mark Tripney on High Rise Modernism; David Kinloch on Alison Watt and "Dark Light"; Richard Price's "An Information"

Prose Supplement 4 (2008) [click for pdf]
Contents: Darren Hayman special issue: DH and the Secondary Modern reviewed; a DH finding list; in depth interview by Richard Price with Darren Hayman

Prose Supplement 5 (2008) [click for pdf]
Contents: Robin Fulton special issue: RF interviewed by Iain Galbraith

Prose Supplement 6 (2009) [click for pdf]
Contents: Allen Fisher, "Between Test and Product";Richard Price, "To Shake the Torpid Pool: poets' pamphlets and the role of little magazines"; seekers of lice, "Manifesto"; Raymond Friel, "Heavy Fooprints"; Giles Goodland, reviewing Hazel Frew, Tim Allen and Anna Glasova; Stewart Conn, reviewing Raymond Friel's Stations of the Heart; Richard Price, "An Information".

Prose Supplement 7 (2011) [click for pdf]
Contents: Richard Price, "Ten" [Ten Years of Painted, spoken]; Joanne Tatham and Tom O'Sullivan, "You have forgotten why you asked us here, we cannot remember why we came"; Peter McCarey, "At Ilot 13, Geneva"; Alistair Peebles, "Labour, Blossom: Ian Hamilton Finlay and Orkney"; Richard Price, "Margaret Tait: Film-maker and Poet"; Kristen Krieder, "About POLYply" .

This zone of the site is under construction: more issues will be added as soon as possible.

British Poetry Magazines 1914-2000

Hundreds of magazines are documented in David Miller and Richard Price's British Poetry Magazines 1914-2000 (British Library and Oak Knoll, 2006) which was featured on Ian Macmillan's BBC Radio programme The Verb.

The book, a history, bibliography and finding aid for British little magazines, has received very enthusiastic reviews. These include: "This volume is a major research tool which all university libraries ought to possess" (The Year's Work in English Studies); "This book will be a crucial resource for anybody working on twentieth-century poetry as well as on modernism" (Andrzej Gasiorek and Peter Boxall, The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory); and "Miller and Price have produced an invaluable reference tool that will have a lengthy shelf-life" (William Baker, Library Review).

Other Magazines

In the early 1990s Richard Price co-edited the poetry magazines Gairfish with W. N. Herbert and Verse (with David Kinloch and Robert Crawford and others). Later, he founded the cultural review Southfields with Raymond Friel which ran from 1994-2000. In 2001 he started the lo-fi Painted, spoken.



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